Learn Indie Filmmaking by Making a Short Documentary Film

20 November 2022
Learn Indie Filmmaking by Making a Short Documentary Film
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Free download — Learn Indie Filmmaking by Making a Short Documentary Film

My name is Olaf. I am a do-it-yourself filmmaker with over two-decade experience. In this class, I’ll share all the tools that I’ve learned by completing seven feature documentary films. In this step-by-step guide to Documentary Indie Filmmaking, you’ll teach yourself how to complete a short documentary film independently through manageable action steps.

> THIS CLASS IS FOR ANYONE who is starting or has done a couple of documentary projects; in either case, this class will deepen your understanding of documentary filmmaking.

> YOUR CLASS PROJECT is doing a 1-3 minute documentary short film.

I’ll share the fundamentals of what I’ve learned – for you to discover your unique style. All you need for this class is a camera, something to write on, and a computer to edit your film. Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this class:

  • Experience hands-on a complete documentary film process
  • The fundamentals of documentary filmmaking
  • Develop your style as a visual storyteller
  • Receive documentary production tips that can save you from unnecessary agony
  • Complete a documentary film on a micro-budget

We’ll start with your documentary Idea, talk about my favorite development tools ThemeGenre, and the Fairy Tale tool. We’ll discuss ProductionCinematography, and Directing before hitting the post-production phase. Inviting you to do tasks and challenges along the way.

This course will not only demystify the documentary process, but it’ll also illuminate your creative strengths and help you identify areas of improvement and opportunities.

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