Ocean Waves Just Sound Effects

6 November 2022
Ocean Waves Just Sound Effects
File Types Resolution File Size
Wav 48/96khz/24bit 10.89 GB

Ocean Waves Just Sound Effects – Free Download


A unique collection of ocean sound effects, from gentle waves onto sandy beaches to big splashes onto solid cliffs, storm-driven surf and small lappings against various rocks, stones and clacking pebbles, all seamlessly loopable. Enhance your projects by using these recordings, whether for a storm on the open sea, the rippling of water in a harbor or the meditative and rhythmic background of a beach atmosphere.


The sound of the ocean is full of sonic details. Smallest changes in the nature of coastlines, the water depth and the climatic and geological conditions are decisive for the diverse and dynamic soundscapes. The great roar of the surf or the gentle lapping of waves onto a sandy beach; the sea contains an almost infinite acoustic richness.


The waves of this library were recorded on coasts and beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea and the South China Sea. The various recording locations and the large amount of time we have invested in this project give you an outstanding and dynamic repertoire of wave sounds that will let you create the acoustic mood of any ocean-related scene.

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