Colorist Factory Precision-Crafted Film Emulation LUT (2024)

25 February 2024
Colorist Factory Precision-Crafted Film Emulation LUT (2024)
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Download Colorist Factory Precision-Crafted Film Emulation LUT (2024) and enjoy the best experience where you will find what you needed and what you searched for. Our site also provides templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Luts, Royalty free sound effects and much more.

Our film emulation LUTs stand apart in the crowded market of color grading tools through their unwavering commitment to mathematical precision and true scene-referred design. Unlike standard LUTs that often approximate the look of film through subjective adjustments, our LUTs are the result of rigorous analysis and replication of film stock characteristics, ensuring that the transformation of digital footage to filmic quality is not only visually accurate but mathematically true to the source material. This meticulous approach guarantees that each LUT not only emulates the aesthetic of Kodak Vision3 500T with astonishing accuracy but also preserves the integrity and intention behind every frame.

inside :

  • Filmblade Film (Base)
  • Filmblade Film (Density ++)
  • Filmblade Film (Expanded)
  • Filmblade Film (Hue ++)
  • Filmblade Film (Only Contrast)

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