Veres Deni Alex Super 8mm Home Film Emulation Power Grades

31 January 2023
Veres Deni Alex Super 8mm Home Film Emulation Power Grades

Veres Deni Alex Super 8mm Home Film Emulation Power Grades – Free Download After Effects Template

This Super 8mm Old Home Film Emulation Powergrade for Davinci Resolve is all you need for a quick one step process of getting the Film Look and it comes in multiple flavours.

Power Grades will give you 100% Control over the effects and you can modify each layer individually. I also includes LUTs, but LUTs cannot contain such information, they are limited to Luma Hue and Saturation.

It’s finely adjuested so color won’t fall appart and will give you beautiful color tones.If you are using Log, Apply a CST Node (Color Space Transform Node) set input gamma and color space, then all you need to, is adjust the Contrast and Saturation to your liking. You can apply this grade on any Footage, Rec709 or Log, 10 bit even 8 bit, it’s fine tuned to avoid colors falling apart, so as long as your footage it’s from a decent camera, not a 8bit drone or old gopro’s which records footage with very limited data and sub color sampling, it’s good to go.

All you need to do is to adjust the contrast and the halation from the node on your liking and it’s good to go. You can also export it as a LUT from Davinci Resolve

Just drag an drop it onto your node to give your footage Natural Film Colors, Halation & Mood.

While a LUT contains limited information (only the Hue, Luma and Saturation), the Powergrade contains all the effects and offers full control over the adjustment nodes including Halation Effects.

You can apply it on any Footage, Rec709 or Log, all you need to do is to adjust the contrast from the node on your liking and it’s good to go.

This is a great product for people who need a simple one way method of achieving the Film Emulation Technique without any hassle.

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