Wedding At The Beach RevoStock
Wedding At The Beach RevoStock – Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS4 | 1920×1080 | mov | 491 Mb
* It has a total of 15 Scenes.
* 2 Versions Included 17 and 32 Placeholders for your Photos and Texts.
Main Features
* After Effects CS4 and Above.
* 15 Scenes.
* Up to 32 Photos.
* 32 Text Placeholders (1 for each photo plus Intro).
* Duration: Ver 1: 2:40 / Ver 2: 4:51 .
* Detailed Video Tutorial to help costumization Process.
* No 3rd-party plug-ins required.
* Estimated time rendering 15-20 minutes.
Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial Covers (10 min Duration).
* – Project Structure.
* – Replacing Intro Texts.
* – Replacing Photos & Adjustments.
* – Enabling and Changing Photo Titles.
* – Changing camera movements.
* Soundtrack not included
* Link to the font used inside project folder.
* Preview pictures not included (for preview purpose only).
This product is an Adobe After Effects project file. It requires Adobe After Effects version CS4 or higher as well as any plug-ins listed fellow: Required After Effects Plugins: No Plug-Ins required.
Keywords: album, beauty, bride, elegant, family, frames, gallery, love, memories, photos, romantic, slideshow, valentine, wedding.