AEJuice Newspaper Constructor for After Effects and Premiere Pro

AEJuice Newspaper Constructor for After Effects and Premiere Pro
Program Name File Types Version Resolution File Size
After Effects , Premiere Pro MOGRT , AEP CC + 3840x2160, 1920x1080 1.8 GB

Download AEJuice Newspaper Constructor for After Effects and Premiere Pro and enjoy the best experience where you will find what you needed and what you searched for. Our site also provides templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Luts, Royalty free sound effects and much more.

Newspaper Constructor After Effects and Newspaper Constructor Premiere Pro is heavily used in the news industry.

With breaking news stories taking place frequently, there has never been a more prominent time to select a newspaper constructor effect.

Besides news, you can highlight headlines, social trends, and quotes, or exaggerate the importance of local events – a handy tool to promote yourself or your business, enhanced by a selection of filters and colors.

We’ve used photos of real newspapers to create textures in 4K for ultra-realism – something which transitions accurately when applying our newspaper constructor effects to your videos or photos.

The camera movements were made in Cinema 4D and After Effects.

Every text is customizable, as well as colors, photos, and backgrounds.

Newspaper Constructor supports any language and font.

You can even go as crazy as inserting your videos and creating Harry Potter-style newspapers with moving images, all you need to do is download your desired video and select the newspaper constructor effect.

The bottom line is you save time and get quality animation. It will pay itself off after the first usage and it is a hidden gem if you wish to create these types of scenes on a regular basis.

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