Cinegrain FILM Pipeline

28 June 2023
Cinegrain FILM Pipeline

Download Cinegrain FILM Pipeline and enjoy the best experience where you will find what you needed and what you searched for. Our site also provides templates for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Luts, Royalty free sound effects and much more.

Product feature:

  • 56 Film Profile LUTs ( ACEScct IN & OUT )
  • 25 Special Process LUTs ( Pushed, Pulled, Flashed, Silver Retained, X-Process, etc. )

Cinegrain PIPELINE is a collection of some of the finest Film Profiles in post production. The pixel perfect Film Response LUTs live inside the massive ACEScct AP1 working space.

The result is a painterly image flawlessly mastered.

Deliverables for Theatrical, Television, Commercial, Netflix, Amazon, Music Video, Web, et cetera, can all be output from one grade.

Change the output mapping to your delivery spec and render.

Cinegrain Film Profiles Included:

  • Agfa Portrait XPS 160
  • Agfa Precisa Xp
  • Agfa Vista
  • Fuji 3510
  • Fuji 3513
  • Fuji 3514
  • Fuji 3521
  • Fuji 3521-2
  • Fuji 3523
  • Fuji 8522
  • Fuji 8532
  • Fuji 8543
  • Fuji 8553
  • Fuji 8563
  • Fuji 8573
  • Fuji 8583
  • Fuji 8592
  • Fuji Astia
  • Fuji Fortia
  • Fuji Instant FP Neg
  • Fuji Instant FP
  • Fuji Neopan BW
  • Fuji Provia 100F
  • Fuji Provia Xp
  • Fuji Sensia Xp
  • Fuji Velvia
  • Ilford BW
  • Kodak 2383
  • Kodak 2383-2
  • Kodak 2393
  • Kodak 2393-2
  • Kodak 2395
  • Kodak 5205
  • Kodak 5219
  • Kodak 5229
  • Kodak E100G
  • Kodak E100VS
  • Kodak E100VS Xp
  • Kodak Ektachrome
  • Kodak Ektar
  • Kodak Gold
  • Kodak Portra 160
  • Kodak Portra 400
  • Kodak Portra 800
  • Kodak Tri-X BW
  • Universal 1
  • Universal 2
  • Universal 3
  • Universal 4
  • Universal 5
  • Universal 6
  • Polaroid 70
  • Polaroid 665 BW
  • Polaroid 669
  • Polaroid 680
  • Polaroid 690

Load standard LUT files into Resolve, Photoshop, After Effects, Baselight, Flame, Nuke, Premiere, etc…

Pipeline LUTs are derived from profiled film data.

They are then idealized to fit into an ACEScct AP1 container.

During the process there’s a fine line of art & science to maintain the exact color and feeling of the original data while also expanding its ranges to play well in HDR environments with expanded luminance and gamuts.

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